Wisdom Tales Comic

My class read Wisdom Tales and then did a project. I chose to do a comic. It was super fun! In the book there’s a bunch of different tales. I chose The Wise Master. The Wise Master is about a master who tells his students to steal. One holds back who says no, “I can’t go steal.” I used Comic Life 3 and drew the images in Paper 53. I highly recommend reading the book and doing a project! 

UNC Challenge Course


The sixth grade at Durham Academy went to the UNC Challenge Course in September. The field trip was my first field trip since third grade. The experience was a great way to learn to team bond and push ourselves! I recommend going to the UNC Challenge Course because there were fun activities. One activity that I really enjoyed was the zip line. The zip line was 70 feet tall and very long. Before we could go off, we had to strap up and climb a tall tower. At the top, the attendant pushed us off the ledge. During the zip line there was beautiful scenery consisting of tall trees and fresh air.  Right before I went off I felt super excited and at the bottom I was sad the zip line was over! We did several other activities throughout the day and I was super excited to get off campus and hang out with my friends!  

Finding Someplace Backpack


Over the summer, I read Finding Someplace by Denise Lewis Patrick. In the book there is a girl named Reesie Boone, and she is living in New Orleans during August 2005. In the story, Reesie needs to pack up because Hurricane Katrina was about to hit her home, and she was alone. Some things she brought are important papers, her notebook, markers, lip gloss, toothbrush, house keys, phone, picture and Junior’s hat. She locked up the house and went to Miss Martine’s house.

If I had to pack up because of a hurricane, I would bring a flashlight, food, water, Lifestraw, and a crank radio. I would also pack a rain jacket, money, important papers, phone and charger. Lastly, I would pack an umbrella and a water bottle. Those are the things I

Camp Hanes


On Thursday morning, the sixth grade at Durham Academy stepped on buses to head to Camp Hanes in King, North Carolina. The bus ride there was a little freaky knowing that there was a hurricane brewing off the coast of Florida. But once we got to Hanes the sixth graders knew they were going to have an awesome time! We started off with getting cabin assignments and heading to the cabins. Lunch consisted of chicken and a salad bar!

After lunch, we went into our activity groups and did some activities! My first activity was the hike up the mountain, it was so amazing. We had to climb up ropes and walk all around the mountain just to get to the breathtaking view. The view at the top was clear, you could see buildings in Winston Salem! 

Camp Hanes was amazing, I definitely recommend going! Why you should go is because it had so many activities and choices, staff was awesome, luxurious cabins and the food was great. We had so much fun and looking back we were so lucky that we got to even leave campus. It was such an action packed, grade bonding, adventurous twenty-four hours!